A mattress really matters.
Every year, thousands of mattresses are sent to landfill or incineration in Ireland. By recycling your mattress & furniture with us, we ensure that all materials are properly disposed or reused where possible.
Mattress recycling can benefit the economy & environment while ensuring that we live greener & healthier lives.
Our obligations as consumers
We all have a duty to help protect the environment to keep it clean for future generations. Recycling helps reduce the amount of waste being sent to landfills. Mattresses & furniture are made of mostly recyclable materials and by processing and reusing these materials help us conserve natural resources.
Mattresses that end up in the landfill only start to decompose after 15 years, but elements such as polyurethane foam (PU) can take up to 100 years, and steel springs over 50 years to decompose. Recycling reduces the demand for landfill which helps protect our forests, rivers, lakes and wetlands, which are natural habitats for wildlife.
Metric tons carbon dioxide emitted in 2019
Years take a glass bottle to completely break down
Of rubbish could be recycled
Years take a mattress to decompose fully
Up to 80% of a mattress can be recycled
Despite it looking dirty and old, many of the mattress materials are made from recycled and renewable materials and can be turned into useful items
Foam pading
Turned into carpet underlayment or animal bed padding

Wooden Frames
Shredded to produce landscaping mulch or burned as an alternative fuel source

Steel Springs
Recycled as metal scrap. Used to make new appliances and building materials

Used in industrial oil filters and other textile applications